You have 2 options to import products from the Syncee Marketplace.
The first option is to create a catalog by choosing the products one-by-one while the other option is to add a supplier’s products in bulk based on certain criteria.
Choose products one-by-one
You can choose products from different suppliers and create catalogs by picking the products you like. This way, you could choose exactly which products you would like to upload to your store.
Open the Marketplace -> Search Products menu
You can browse the Marketplace here to look for products you wish to sell. A few key points to look out for:
Start a search with keywords
Choose which categories you are interested in
In the upper right corner, choose where the products should be shipped from or to
Narrow down the search using the Advanced search options like product price range, dropshipping suppliers, auto order enabled products
Click on Add to catalog at a product you wish to upload to your store
Or click on the product to view its detailed view to check the shipping times and rates as well as the suggested Profit
Name your new catalog and add your profit margin in percentage
Or choose an already existing catalog
Click on Save
You can add more products to this catalog by clicking on Add to: [CATALOG_NAME] or choose another catalog to add products to by clicking on Change catalog
Now that you have created our catalog and added products to them, you could upload the products by going to the Marketplace -> My Catalogs and clicking on Sync at the catalog.
Choose products in bulk
If you wish to add more products to your store, you might not want to choose them one-by-one. In Syncee, you have the option to add products in bulk as well from the selected supplier.
Open the Marketplace -> Find Suppliers menu
You can browse the supplier here in the different categories. A few key points to look out for:
Start a search with keywords
Choose which categories you are interested in
In the upper right corner, choose where the suppliers should ship from or to
Narrow down the search using the Advanced search options like dropshipping suppliers or auto order enabled suppliers
Click on View all products to check the product listing in the catalog
If the supplier has more catalogs, click on Show catalogs first and then on View all products
To see more information on an item, click on Preview product
If you do not wish to add all of the products from the catalog, you can set up filters by clicking on Add group and the plus to add a filtering rule. You can set up various conditions for the filtering. Once ready, click on Apply filter
More about filtering hereClick on Use this supplier's products based on the filter
Name the catalog and add your profit margin in percentage
Click on Add catalog in order to add it to your catalog list, you will be directed to the Product listing in it
Click on Sync to upload the products to your store.
From that point, you will find this catalog in the Marketplace -> My Catalogs menu.
Suppliers requiring approval
Suppliers requiring approval
Some of the suppliers require retailers to send an approval request before they allow you to import their products. In this case, you will be presented with a notification.
Click on Send my request here and choose which catalog you wish to add the products to.
Once the supplier has approved your request, you can upload the products to your store.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us via live chat or e-mail at