In Syncee, you can schedule your import task to run the product data upload-update at any given time in the future. The run can be set to be automatic with all file connection types except the file upload option.
The Scheduler can be found on the Mapping page of the product import task.
Go to the DataFeed Manager menu > Product Upload submenu
Click on your already created import task which already has a product file added
The Scheduler will be on the top right side of the page
The options you can choose from:
Manual run
Daily run
You can select the exact times for the run
Weekly run
You can select the exact days for the run
Monthly run
You can select the days for the run - such as the 1st day of the months, 10th day of the months etc.
When you are ready with the setting, click on the Save and next button at the bottom of the page. (please do not confuse it with the Save button on the top of the page that goes for saving the Source settings box's data)
Please note that it is not possible for two tasks to run at the same time. Make sure to schedule them to different time frames and to allow them enough time to run completely.
Should you have any questions or need any assistance, let us know via the in-app chat or e-mail at